The Twilight Zone Hangover

The Theater Company of Lafayette (TCL) is a local volunteer-run nonprofit theater company that puts up high quality plays. I particularly love their Twilight Zone series. I had no idea what The Twilight Zone was about until we went along for a TCL production with our 'hood a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed the costumes, accents and themes from the late 50s and 60s. Unfortunately, TCL did not have any Twilight Zone shows last year but they did this year! It was an event that could not be passed on so about 30 of us trooped into the Mary Miller Theater in Lafayette earlier this evening, after soup and apperitifs. It was a wonderful evening of drama, mystery with a lot of community in the mix.

After returning home, I had to look up some of the old shows and look what I found: a glimpse of The Matrix except that it was a Twilight Zone show from 1985!



Pelicano said...

You should check out the original series from the 50's too- if you haven't already! I used to watch those all the time, probably contributed to warping my brain. :-)