...so what if two out of the only three flowers are weeds wildflowers. These are the best as they grow of their own accord in my yard their natural habitat.
I saw the Yellow Salsify, Tragopogon dubius, on one of my painful runs the other day. I considered running back to my car to get my camera but whichever way I went, the flower was a half mile from the car, making the round trip a whole mile. Too painful for this lazy flower enthusiast. So imagine my joy when I found this wildflower right outside my doorstep. A few steps to the camera, shoot, back indoors - bliss!

I wish I knew what wildflower this teeny white thing is. Each flower is about 1 cm in size. Heath family? Pea family? Allium? They are not Pearly Everlasting or Lesser Wintergreen based on whatever little I could unearth in my hours of research.
Three summers ago, I bought a teeny plant called Snow in Summer, Cerastium tomentosum, and it never fails to come up year after year. It has only one flower currently but there will be a carpet of white very soon.

No, really! I am not a bunch of sour grapes.